Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Well, it took a while for the kids to decide what they wanted to be today, but last week ended with a pirate and Dora the Explorer. You can't see Layla's back in that picture below, but she has Backpack on too. They both looked GREAT and were so excited!

The kids started out by trick or treating at the neighbor's house where they got VERY spoiled. After that we went to the library for "Spooky Stories." There were quite a few kids there and they were all dressed up nicely. As you can see below, even the people reading dressed up. They also handed out quite a bit of candy, so the kids loved it...mostly!

At first they were entranced and having fun...

They even did some dancing...

But you know how Layla is with people dressed up...she didn't like it for the entirety. She spent quite a bit of time both squeezing Talor's arm and sitting on Shell's lap.

We finished the evening with trick or treating at Nana and Grumpy's house. Overall, it was a fun night and the kids looked cool. Happy Halloween everyone!

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