Sunday, October 16, 2011

A Very Fun Day!

Today's weather was BEAUTIFUL! The kids got dressed early and waited patiently on their trampoline. After a short wait for mom and dad...

We arrived at the Ambury Farm day!

There was a maze made from hay that the kids and Shell enjoyed. Layla was a very good director for Talor...leading him through the twists and turns.

And then there was the highlight...Layla has been REALLY into horses lately and has been asking to see and ride some. There was pony rides at the farm that the kids LOVED. I don't know if the smile on Layla's face ever came off after that.

Here are some of the animals that were on display...the turkey made us think of Thanksgiving coming up (Go Lions!) and it was cool seeing the sheep dog muster up the sheep. We didn't think Maddy would be able to do that, but agreed that it would be cool if she could!

We also took a ride on an old tractor. Unfortunately, it wasn't the one with the American flag (and Dukes of Hazard horn), but we got a picture of that one anyway. This ride took us all over the farm and brought us up close and personal to the many kites that were flying in the air. It was very cool.

We were also able to see some lambs. Some of the kids were able to feed them bottles but we arrived a bit late. We saw one of my students working in this area and she tried to get our kids a turn but wasn't able to make it happen.

As we moved through the farm we watched a guy shear a bunch of sheep. He was VERY quick and the kids were entranced. Both of our kids were able to stomp down the wool after it had been taken off the sheep. And one of the cheeky guys that was running the show tried to give me a bit of a wig...the kids (and crowd) thought that it was funny.

On our way out the kids got their first ever shaved ice. Needless to say, it was a hit and a nice way to end a great day. However, it wasn't over yet...

The police were present and showing off their gear. Talor and Layla went to have a look, but once the siren went off Layla took off crying. She hates loud noises! Talor stuck around though and tried his hand at police work. He looked good and thought he was pretty cool.

Overall, it was a fantastic day. We all got a bit sun burned and our feet hurt from all the walking, but we can't wait to go back again next year!

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