Monday, October 3, 2011

The Moon Festival

Alright everyone (Amanda), I know that it has been a month since we last posted...sorry about that. We have been busy (not a good excuse, I know), so hopefully these posts make up for it. Overall, things are well here. The kids and I are winding down the 3rd school term of the year and are looking forward to our two week break starting on Saturday. Talor is also finishing his swim lessons and will be starting t-ball soon. It's going to be busy, but good. I'll try and keep you all updated as often as I can.

Two weekends we went to a Moon Festival in New Lynn. Although we didn't know much about it, it had been advertised and looked like fun. There were a bunch of food stalls, performances and activities for the kids. There were also free rides and a bouncy castle. We had a really good time!

The kids and I went on a boat was a bit tight for me and the funny guy running the ride even joked that if I got stuck he had a crow bar to get me out. The kids obviously loved it.

Like the boat ride, the kids also had a fun teacup ride with mum. They had to anxiously wait for a little bit, but by the looks on their faces it was worth it.

As well as the rides, we also watched some belly dancers and drummers perform. There were tons of cool decorations too.

After having dinner at McDonalds, we closed out the night with dessert at the festival - frozen chocolate covered bananas. We sat and watched some dancers while eating. It was a lot of fun!

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