Saturday, November 5, 2011

Introducing...The Rockets!

Today was a big day! It was supposed to be last weekend, but due to rain it was pushed to today. Today, The Rockets played their first tee-ball game for the season and Talor played his first ever game of tee-ball. He was so excited this morning and was looking great!

Here's the team! Doesn't Talor look cool with his Tigers hat turned backwards!


And here we go...Talor had some good swings overall. In his 2nd at bat he hit a solid shot to right field that got past everyone. In his first ever game, 2nd at bat, the kid hit his first home run! Not a bad start. He ended up getting on base after each time at bat and scored in each inning. Not a bad start.

In the field, he played infield, outfield and catcher. The parents had a good laugh at him and said that he was "so cute" because after the ball was hit he would pick up the bat and try to hand it to the coach of the other team. He paid no attention to the ball being thrown to home plate by his own teammates...he wanted to politely hand over the bat. He finally got the hang of it and was ultimately able to be both polite AND a catcher.

One of the highlights for all of the kids (Layla included) was to wear the catchers mask.

Doesn't he look cool?

Overall, it was a fun game. The Rockets ended up winning a barn burner of a game, 28-27. It was not what you would call a defensive game, but it was a lot of fun nonetheless. Congratulations Talor and The Rockets!

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