Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Layla Hope!

On this past Wednesday we celebrated Layla's 4th birthday. She started the day with some presents at home - Talor brought his gift for Layla to bed with him so he could be the first to wish her a happy birthday - and then had a fun day out with Mom, Charlie and Miss Julie. They went and saw The Smurfs and had a lunch out. Later in the day she arrived home to find flowers from Dad, so the presents kept coming! She then went to Talor's tee-ball practice and then out to dinner (McDonalds of course) with all of us, Aunt Amanda, Uncle Row, cousin William, Nana and Grumpy. More presents were received and a great time was had by all.

One thing she has been wanting for quite a while was a pillow pet. Aunt Amanda and Uncle Row scored big on this one!

It was a fun morning with fun treats!

The night ended with some fun photos with cousin William. Three cute kids!!

Happy Birthday Layla Hope

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