Sunday, December 27, 2009

Talor's 4th Birthday

A few days after Layla's 2nd birthday, we were celebrating once again with Talor's 4th birthday. I am not sure where the time has gone, but our little boy is turning into such a big guy now! He opened a bunch of presents on the morning of his birthday and then received a shock that evening when Aunt Amanda and Uncle Rowan showed up with a home made Go-Cart! It was a hit with the kids, and even Aunt Amanda had a turn riding it down the drive. Thanks to everyone for your generosity and for making a 4 year old feel VERY special!

We also celebrated his birthday the following weekend with Shell's extended family. Talor got a ton of gifts once again and had a blast. Thanks go out to Nana for making a cool dinosaur cake - just what the birthday boy wanted!

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