Monday, December 28, 2009

Kids Being Kids

Hi again everyone,

This afternoon Layla was playing with her new doll's bed and decided she wanted a sleep. Of course, we thought we should take pictures. Here they are.

Yesterday I decided that I needed a shave and Talor REALLY wanted to have one too. Here is the result.

One of Talor's gifts this Christmas from his Nana was this very cool big boy quilt. It is now on his bed.

We just thought that we should show off Talor a bit since for the first time in a long time he actually posed for the camera. Good looking kid!


Stephanie Gulizia said...

Bacarellas! Jon, you might remember me from my old last name, Stephanie Nyman, when I was at WNJ with you and your mom. I've since remarried, and found your blog link on Facebook. Your family is so lovely, and it's wonderful to see you all so happy!

-Stephanie (Nyman) Gulizia

grubbiejulz said...

Love your quilt Talor. So bright and YOU. Lucky boy!