Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

What a great Christmas it just was. We were so excited/worried about getting the kids to sleep that we forgot to leave snacks out for Santa and his reindeer...luckily they helped themselves and left us a note explaining what they had done. Also, those carrots came out of my garden and the bottle of beer in the top left corner is a home brew - just so everyone knows. Santa does things right! Thank you to everyone for your huge generosity - we are very appreciative!

This is what the kids woke up to and the effect the whole thing had on Maddy!

Santa left yet another note for the kids letting them know that he wasn't able to fit the trampoline in the house...he also tied a string to the letter and had the kids follow it outside to find out what exactly he had left. The kids were jumping on the new trampoline before 7:00am! I'm sure the neighbors loved us for that!

The kids opening presents

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