Saturday, September 12, 2009

The First Spring Garden Update!

Today is a beautiful, warm spring day and we have been outside getting the garden ready. I can't remember if I wrote about this before or not, but last weekend we built a new raised garden from scrap wood. It came out really well and this morning we started filling it with goodies. In between the twine is where Shell and the kids planted our carrots. In the bottom left corner is some lettuce and in the bottom right is spinach. I plan to put a few tomato plants in the top two corners soon.

We also dug up, and fertilized, our bean patch. Last year we had 30 bean plants in that tiny patch and surprisingly we had all 30 produce! I decided to just put in 12 this year and may add to it later in the season if I want more.

After everything was planted Talor did the honors of watering everything. This is a picture of him watering the "big" garden and all the potatoes. These will be dug up in a few weeks when my mom is here in order to make more room for our summer vegetables.

Finally, Talor spent a bit of time playing around in the bark and he found a new freind. We thought we would show it off a bit. Better out of the garden than in it I think!

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