Friday, September 4, 2009

Crafty Update

So here is the recent sewing/knitting....

...two little summer dresses for Layla, made from my fabric stash...

.... Talor decided he 'needed' butterfly wings like Kindy has so I had to sew these up, really quick job since a 3 year old doesn't have much patience :) He chose purple for him and red for Layla (she was asleep, its the only time I get to sew during the day)....

.... finished off Layla's Milo Vest. Notice the big graze and bump on her forhead, she was playing tag with Talor on the driveway and yip it ended with her falling over....

.... One night a week I get over to a friends house after the kids are in bed for crafting and chocolate biscuits. Here is the skirt I made for Layla last week, really cute (and easy) pattern off the internet...

.... and lastly a photo of me and my big boy, just because I think he is super cute and this is one of the few photos he actually weanted to have taken :)

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