Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Shell's Sewing

Hi all, so I thought it was about time I updated you all on my latest sewing efforts, I'm really loving having the time to potter around with my sewing while Jon has been on holiday

Some Pj pants for layla and a friend's little girl

Crayon Rolls, I made these for a friends kids for Christmas

Dolls Carry Cot for Layla for Christmas

Art Storage bags for Talor's new markers, crayons, pencils and chalk & a couple of door stops

Reversable bags, this one is mine and I made 4 more for Christmas presents for friends

Some A-Line Skirts for me, sorry about the photos I just wanted the skirts in the picture

Latest Nappies I've made, some of them are for Layla and others are for my Friends Bubs, VJ. First photo is the front and then the backs
I have been lucky enough to borrow a copy of an Ottobre Pattern Book, which I am loving!!!! They have some great patterns in them and this is the little Pinafore dress. I ended up doing 2 of them because the first one is a little tight on her as well as very short.
So thats the update so far, I'll try and put the next lot of sewing/crafting up soon.
Have a great week everyone and bye from me!

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