Friday, January 23, 2009

Back to work Tuesday...

Hi everyone,

Well, summer break is coming to an end so we have been pretty busy getting all the last minute chores done around here. As you'll be seeing below, I have stocked my beer cupboard with home brew...that was a good chore done. We have also taken the kids to school to swim where Talor was also able to sit on the maintenance guy's tractor. He liked that. Lastly, there are a few cute pictures of the kids below as well. We hope that you are all doing well and that you're starting to thaw out in the states. Don't forget to sign up with Skype (free of charge) and stay in touch with us.


1 comment:

Princess Angel Jewels said...

Hi! You entered a little giveaway I had on my blog waaay back in December (am a little late) for a wee pair of Freshwater Pearls on sterling silver studs and you have been drawn from little hat here! Let me know your mailing address so I can send them to you :)
Love your blog too!