Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone! We hope that you had very nice and safe Christmas and New Year celebrations. We enjoyed having everyone at our place again for Christmas morning where the kids, and adults, all got spoiled with presents. The kids' "big" present from Santa this year was bikes and they were/are a hit!

Here are a few photos of Layla waiting patiently for her turn to open a present. She REALLY got into it this year and LOVED her new quilt that Nana made - it even matches the one her doll has!

Once the presents were opened and food was eaten the kids, and Uncle Row, focused on assembling all of Talor's Lego's. He got some pretty cool sets and I think assembling them may have been Uncle Row's favorite part of the day!

Speaking of Uncle Row and Aunt Amanda, they outdid themselves again this year. Rowan put his craftiness to work again and made the kids a chalkboard of the states. He then mounted it to a board that was painted the colors of the flag. Although these pictures are great, it doesn't do his handiwork the justice it deserves. It is a very cool gift and one that the kids have been enjoying since Christmas. Aunt Amanda helped point out where Grandma lives, and the kids loved that too.

This now lives in the kids' bedroom with some chalk so they can play with it whenever they want.

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