Monday, April 5, 2010

Summer 2010

These are a variety of photos from this past summer - it seems like a long time ago now. I have finished my first term of this school year, Shell and the kids are doing well, and time seems to be flying! We had a nice Easter and are looking forward to the next two weeks together.

These were taken while Shell and I were out for the evening celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary. Aunt Amanda came over and made cookies with the kids.

These are some adorable ones of Layla modeling the new outfit that Shell made for her. Shell is so talented and Layla is so darn cute!! The top left one is my new screen saver.

We had some hot weather here for a while so we filled up this pool and the kids seemed to play in it for days. It was a good way to avoid the heat.

These are of a school (kindy) trip that Talor and Shell went on to a local butterfly house. They had a blast and I just can't get over how big Talor looks in the last one. He's growing so fast!!

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