Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Craft Update!

Well I thought I would add a quick update of some of the things which keep me busy when the kids are quiet (not that that happens very often LOL )

Ishobel Shawl I knitted for Mum for Christmas, colour is more true life in the close up photo

A couple of hats knitted for Jon and Dad, did one for Row too but need to get a photo of it yet

Knitted/Beaded necklace, I need to do one for me yet, I made one for both Mum and Amanda as part of their Christmas stocking

Layla summer PJ shorts, and added applique to a couple of Talor's old singlets to make a couple of matching sets

Layla's winter PJ's, she has 3 pairs of pants and 5 tops. The tops are all up-cycled from old merino tops of mine :)

And almost forgot... here is what I spent about 3 months knitting (it probably didn't quite take that long but close, I was even banned from bringing it back to crafty night with the girls as they were sick of seeing it) it was Amanda's Christmas Present and is a Felted Bag in the end... I still have to take photos of the finished bag but ended up about half the size and I think gorgeous!
I was so pleased with it :)

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