Friday, March 6, 2009

Nothing new really...

Hi everyone,

Nothing new here, but I just thought I would add some new pictures. One of Talor's many girlfriends (below) has moved away to Australia so that has been sad news for him. At least he still has the three girls next door.
Both kids are growing like weeds and doing well. Shell and I are also fine and staying above water with the chaos of me working far away and coaching two nights a week. By the way, my girls softball team is now 3-0 and doing well. Their play is not pretty, but it's effective!
Summer is coming to an end so we are hanging on to the warm weather for as long as we can. Today, Shell and I are celebrating our 6th anniversary by going out to dinner and a movie. It's hard to believe she has kept me around for six years!
Have a good weekend everyone, and stay in touch when you can.


Grace said...

Is Layla doing the Macarena in that first picture? Sure looks like it! :)

The Bacarella Family said...

I was thinking it looked more like the "sprinkler" dance move...either way it's kind of funny!