Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Talor Jonathon's 3rd Birthday

Hi everyone,

On November 25, 2008 Talor turned three years old. We celebrated his birthday a few days earlier (a shared party with Layla too) with friends and family and then had Nana, Grumpy, Aunt Amanda and Uncle Rowan over for dinner on the actual day. Talor got very spoiled and had a very good time. Thanks to everyone for their generosity towards both kids.

A few days after the kids' birthdays we spent an evening at the zoo. Every year they throw a big party and have Santa come in. There is live music and lots of games and treats. This year was the third year that we have attneded and we had a blast once again. The zoo continues to be one of Talor and Layla's most favorite places. Here are some highlights from the night.

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