Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Kids

We spent the afternoon listening to music in a park, and Uncle Rowan took some good photos. Man, these kids are growing so quickly! Have a good week everyone.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We're Fine

Hi everyone,

I received word that people were worried about us after hearing of the earthquake that rocked Christchurch yesterday. Thanks for the concern, but we really are fine. Christchurch is in the South Island, many hours away from us, so we didn't even feel the quake. Everyone here is fine, and thankfully all of Rowan's family (who actually live in Christchurch) are fine as well. Please continue to think of and pray for the families down there that are still missing their friends and loved ones. It was a crazy day! Cheers

Monday, February 14, 2011

Tiny Dancer

Today was Layla's first dance lesson. She went with Shell and Nana and had a blast! It's a casual thing at the moment, but it looks like she may be attending once a week, and she can't wait! Take a look on my Facebook page to see a video.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Talor Reads His 1st Book!

I came home this afternoon, and much to my surprise Talor had a book to read me. It appears as though he has memorized the book Dog, but it was good nonetheless.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Talor's 1st Day of School

This past Wednesday was Talor's first day at Tirimoana Primary School. He was so excited and even wore his backpack a good half hour before leaving. Although he has lost a variety of things (shoes, lunch box, hat, drink bottle, etc) the past few days - some of which we have found (the shoes we weren't so lucky with) - he is enjoying his time there and has even been the leader for a day. His stories so far are great, and we are amazed at how quickly he is growing up.

This is Talor's classroom and where he hangs his bag.

Each morning the kids do exercises called 'Jump Jam.' Talor likes this!