Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone. Today the kids and I went to the zoo for a while and then picked Shell up from the parent and child show. We then got dressed up and went to the nine houses for trick or treating (Halloween in New Zealand is not only warmer but also a bit smaller). The kids had fun and got a pretty good stash even with the small number of houses. In case you couldn't tell, Talor chose to be a bat and Layla was a butterfly. Shell made both costumes and everything went great!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Boss Hog's final product

and all he has to say is "mmmmmmmmmmm"


We are lucky to have a school on our street which is great during the weekends and school holidays, it makes the perfect place for a ride, run or play

We have taken one training wheel off Talor's bike, he is getting use to actually having to balance now hopefully the other one will come off in a little bit


Time for some monkey business

Day in the Garden

Jon and the kids decided it was time to start planting a few veggies...

Lettuces doing great

Maddie decided that it was all too much work

Talor planted beans and carrots in his garden

Layla decided on Sunflowers and Carrots

She soon became bored of the gardening game.....