Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Layla had enough one day

Hi everyone,

We just thought that we would share a photo of Layla the day after moving into her new bed. She was supposed to be taking a nap and was fighting it like crazy. We finally just let her cry it out (under 10 minutes...so we really aren't THAT mean) and when we went back to check on the quiet, this is what we found. We thought it was pretty funny.

We are just asking for trouble...as well as some new kid photos

I really don't know what we were thinking, but Shell and I decided to put the bunk beds in Layla's room today and to transfer Layla out of her crib and into the bottom bunk. She has been crying for the past 20 minutes tonight, so it's not such a good decision at the moment. Anyway, here are the photos of the kids' new room together.

The other morning Talor was playing with a weed wacker toy that he had. He got a bit confused at the safety glasses and we thought it was funny...so we did what any good parents would do...we laughed and took a photo!

Every morning Talor seems to get up and snuggle on the couch to watch cartoons. I have enjoyed doing this with him while I've been on break, but I have also had to fight with his good friend Lola. We can't get over the fact that that cat will let him do anything to her! She loves that boy and he feels the same!

Shell made another kiddy sling the other day...this one is the same fabric as the one that Shell uses is. Anyway, Layla LOVES it and often carries her dolly and "puppy" around the house. She looks so cute!

Goodbye Mark "The Bird" Fidrych

Goodbye Mark "The Bird" Fidrych! I had the pleasure of meeting this guy twice and will never forget his face when he signed Talor's baseball at Fifth Third Ballpark and Talor shoved it straight in his mouth. The Bird did a huge belly laugh and the TV news caught it on tape and showed it that night. I never saw him pitch, yet he was one of my favorite Tigers.
Go Tigers!

A general update with A LOT of new pictures!

Hi everyone,

Here are some of the latest photos from here. I'll put little comments explaining them as they appear. We hope you are all doing well. Stay in touch!

Shell did a swap with some of her friends. The theme was the children story "The Gruffalo" or something like that. Anyway, she received little outfits of characters from the story, and Layla is trying on the snake and mouse ones.

These pictures were of the Easter egg hunt that the kids had. The plastic eggs were filled with chocolates and toys and the kids had a fun time.

Due to the weather turning colder, we have moved the kids picnic table into the house. They were eating popcorn and watching Toy Story 2.

Shell and I learned a valuable lesson the other day...when Layla is quiet, it isn't necessarily a good thing. Layla had a good time playing with Shell's make up bag!

We have been woken up the past few mornings by Layla SCREAMING for Shell from her crib...so, we have decided that it's time for her to sleep in a big girl bed. We took the front off of her crib and she loves it! Saying that though, tonight we were watching TV after putting the kids to bed. The cat was down the hall and we heard Layla say hi to her. Shell walked back there only to find that Layla had her puppy in her doll's stroller and was walking it around her room. So...it continues to be a work in progress.

Shell has been helping her friend make slings, and one of their products is a kiddy sling. Here is Layla sporting the latest fashion...too cute.

We also tried to get Talor to ride his bicycle without training wheels. He REALLY wanted to until he realized just how wobbly the bike became without them. It didn't last long and the training wheels are now back on the bike. Again...a work in progress.

I have also been able to play softball a few times these past few weekends. It's been a lot of fun and the kids have had fun too. Talor and Layla were able to run around the park like crazy and REALLY liked all of my girl's softball gear. They are probably already good enough to play for the Arizona Diamondbacks, but need to improve their skills a bit before they are good enough to play for the greatest team in baseball...the Detroit Tigers!